Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I have been so busy getting ready for an upcoming market event at my Grandparents retirement village this Saturday. I will be selling rag dolls, pendants, magnets, and other arts and crafts. I am pretty excited as it's my very first market venture. I hope it goes well.

Any who, now for this weeks photos. Alex and I decided to invite my Mum and brothers over for a lunch time barbecue on Sunday. It was perfect weather for it and I don't think we have used the BBQ since moving into this house. The food was delicious and the company was even better ;)

Alex on the BBQ

Brad relaxing

Mum and Aaron


Serena Lewis said...

We had a great time, Shell...thanks for the invite ~ :)

Art by Darla Kay said...

Looks beautiful there right now and you all are so cute :)
Wishing you the best at the market!!

BumbleVee said...

waaaaahhhh is it barely 1 C here today with a wind whipping the almost bare branches about.... not much BBQ'ing happening on my patio........

good luck with your sales.... it's always a lot of fun....

Anonymous said...

So lovely to see you enjoying the sunny days! Have a great day at your first market store. Hope you sell all of your creations!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Michelle,
Good luck and have fun with your first market. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Ah, Your very sweet having your family over for a BBQ, especially when your Mum is feeling out of whack.
Happy Painting,

Jennifer Rose said...

good luck at the market :D

Linda Fleming said...

Great pictures of your happy and delighful family sharing a wonderful day all together.

Anonymous said...

Have fun at the market... I hope you tell us all about it. They are going to love your art!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Michelle on your first market selling, you will do great!