Monday, November 2, 2009


Thanks everyone for your kind words of encouragement for my first market venture. It gave me a lot of confidence. I was pretty nervous on the day. My Mum, Grandma, and two of my brothers were there though to lend me and hand.

Although we had a nice time on the day, there wasn't really that many people that showed up, and the only ones who did were the residents of the village, no one from outside. I don't think the organisers really advertised there being markets which was a bummer.

I still managed to sell a few items though which I am happy about. Mainly a few dolls and bookmarks sold, none of my art pendants which I was worried about. I don't think it was the right target market to sell my pendants to though since it was at on over 50's retirement village. It was a great learning experience and I wouldn't mind maybe looking into doing the local community markets on a regular basis.

Here are some pics I wanted to share of the day.

My brothers Aaron and Beau at our table

My doll display

Pendants, magnets, bookmarks and felt toys

Mum and Grandma having a look around at the other stalls


Serena Lewis said...

It was a good trial run and I'm glad you made some sales, Shell ~ :)

Mum xo

Unknown said...

well done! you are very brave. I have been thinking about markets too...but I keep putting it off till "next month". I hope you keep us posted on your market stories ok?

Shashi Nayagam said...

I am sorry the organisers weren't very organised at advertising. But I am glad you did sell some of your dolls. Looks like a craft market would be a better place for you to sell your pendents and magnets.

Jennifer Rose said...

your table looks great :)

Nicola said...

Hi there, I think you should definitly do more markets I think your products looked very professional, and very beautiful!!! I hadn't seen your dolls before they are gorgeous you are so clever!!! I think if you were to do another market before christmas you would probably do really well!!!! So good to see all your work together too!! :0)

Evangelina Prieto said...

What beautiful dolls! magical... congratulations for your market experience.

Your family is precious to support you, that is a great prize...

(Sorry my English)

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Michelle,
What a lovely array of art and dolls you have on show!

you've got to start somewhere and it was probably a good start, not to busy and you have some ideas for your next market stall now.
Go Girl!

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Hi Michelle,

So happy you sold a few items at the fair (market). I am sure you would have done better some place else. I agree that maybe you should give it another try during December. That is a good time of the year to sell your lovely crafts.
Everything looked lovely!


Unknown said...

Hi Michelle, thanks for visiting my blog, your so sweet! I Love your Dolls they are adorable!

LuLu Mypinkturtle said...

Bonjour Michelle! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving such sweet comments! Your art is terrific, especially love your big dolls! Take care, LuLu

BumbleVee said...

that is the thing about sales venues sometimes.... you almost have to do a lot of your own advertising as well as hoping the organizers do a bit..which they don't always. You would think they would do all possible to make any event a big success...but... it doesn't always happen. Anyway... glad u sold some little things... and your first is now out of the way.... lots of learning curve in the sales industry...... good luck with future endeavours.....

MaryO said...

Too bad there wasn't a greater turn-out, but how nice that you had some sales anyway. Your table looked nice!

The Art Of Handmades said...

Hey Michelle, your table looked beautiful! I hope you try some more markets, they can be fun! I have one on Sat and am a bit nervous too. Good luck! Pam

Annette Q said...

Your dolls and artwork look so lovely together like that Michelle! I think I'd be quite nervous too but your stall looked terrific. well done on selling some of your art despite the lack of advertising :-)

Autumn said...

It takes guts to put yourself out there face-to-face with people and stand by your art! You're a brave cookie! I haven't done any shows/markets with my paintings or jewelry yet, but I used to when I was a portrait artist. It was emotionally draining yet a buzz at the same time... Here's to many more successful shows for your lovely work! And the first one is always the hardest!

Beautifully Recreated said...

Awesome market. Thought I would also let you know that finally I am have dome a post about the artworks that I did using the technique I saw here on your blog(painting over black as a base colour). I would love to know your thoughts!

Linda Fleming said...

Hey- your first time out and you made some sales. That's a success in my book! Good for you! You'll learn what goes over best at different markets, and then know in the future what to stock and take to each one. I think you're off to a great start :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you sold some items. Just shows how good your art and dolls are to sell some even though it was badly advertised and little turned up.
Hope the next one brings better results. Maybe opening a market store in the main town near you. I bet you would sell everything, especially so close to christmas.
Maybe put some photos in your local shop? Keeping my fingers crossed for you and squeezing my eyes shut wishing on a star!
Have a great weekend!

Carla said...

It's fun isn't it? It's been a long time for me though. Love your doll display.