Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I did some more work on my new painting yesterday and base coated the Christmas gift tags. I am having trouble deciding what colour to do the background of my painting though. Any ideas?


Nicola said...

Lovely painting! I struggle sometimes with background colours....hmmmm I always love purple.....I'm also looking forward to seeing your gift tags!

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

I love love love the way it looks just the way it is, I thought it was finished :D

Serena Lewis said...

WOW! Your new painting is looking wonderful, Shell. I know I mentioned earlier today that orange might be a good background colour but now I'm thinking red, green or even purple. You could take it into Paintshop Pro and have a play around with background colours.

I can't wait to see what you do with the tags.

Mum xo

Unknown said...

I am liking the black.... I love the painting!!

Genie Sea said...

I actually really like the black background. It provides the perfect contrast for the gorgeous figures. :)

Annette Q said...

This painting is beautiful Michelle! I always think of complimentary colours when doing my pieces. i think maybe an orangey colour would go with the boy's t-shirt? Don't know
Any colour you choose will look great I'm sure ;-)

Shashi Nayagam said...

Your painting is looking lovely!

Michelle Eaton said...

Thanks Nicola, backgrounds always seem to be the tricky part for me too. I always wan't to find a colour that will really set the whole painting off.

Thanks Val, I like the black too, but I know it is un finished.

Thanks Mum, I was settled on the orange but now I don't know again.

Thanks messy fish :)

Thanks Genie :)

Thanks Annette, I was thinking orange too because of the blue shirt. I guess I can always paint it back to black if it doesn't look good.

Thanks Shashi :)