Thursday, December 31, 2009


I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Alex and I spent the day over at my Mum's house with my family. Mum prepared a lovely Chrissy lunch and pudding for dessert. We played games and chatted the day away. We had a lot of fun catching up with all the family.

Grandma, Mum and Grandad on Christmas day

My brother Beau

My brother Reece and his girlfriend Sarina

Sarina and Aaron checking out their bon-bon goodies

I can't believe today is the last day of the year. It has gone by sooo fast, and I must say I had a pretty good year with a lot of positive stuff around me. I, like a lot of other people I have talked to, feel a lot of change is coming for this new year. I am looking forward to it.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year Everyone


Anonymous said...

Your family is just precious! I love the crowns!!
Happy Happy New Year

Jennifer Rose said...

happy new year! :) great photos, everyone looks so happy :)

Unknown said...

Happy new year to you too! Look forward to lots of blog posts from you next year...

Linda Fleming said...

What a delightful family you have. I hope you all have a fantastic New Year!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Michelle,
Lovely to see all your family photo's over the festive season.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy, fun filled, creating 2010

Anonymous said...

Happy new year to you dear friend!
Your family are so beautiful!



Magaly Ohika said...

Hello Michelle!

It's been a while!! Thanks for visiting. Have a lovely happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

BumbleVee said...

I wish you a great new year in 2010 Michelle...

here's to lots more fun and artsy "stuff"

WingingIt said...

happy new year to you and your lovely family...keep inspiring those around you!!!

Serena Lewis said...

It was a lovely day spent with family ~ :)

JudiA said...

What a beautiful celebration. Thanks so much for sharing, and blessing in the New Year to you and yours.

sandy said...

Just making my way here to wish you a happy new year.